A conversation with Writer, Speaker, and Coach, Lori Schumaker.

Do you struggle with identity issues or believing you are who God says? What is a stronghold? How do you deal with negative self-talk? Today, Lori Schumaker joins Equalla to discuss these topics to help you discover a strategy to break through the barriers of every proud thing that goes against the true knowledge of God.
Lori is a wife, an adoptive and biological mom, a writer, a speaker, and a coach. But above all, a woman who loves God and wants to share His hope and love with others. She knows what it means to face challenges and overcome them with faith- through her experience of the joys and sorrows of adoption, the struggles of insecurity, and the power of surrendering to God. Through her blog, Unveiling Hope, found at LoriSchumaker.com, she offers practical tools and resources to help women grow in their relationship with God and live fully. She also writes for various online publications and books, speaks at national events, and authored the award-winning book Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust.
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"But God. He steps in and takes those shackles of shame off of us. He gives us new life. ~Lori Schumaker

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Don’t be tricked by distractions. God will meet you where you are at. Unorthodox, imperfect, and messy. There is no better time to come to God than when it seems like it isn’t the right time.
A wife, an adoptive and biological mom, writer, speaker, and a coach, Lori Schumaker joins Equalla in this conversation.
Video excerpt from the episode, Taking Captive Every Thought.
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