We live in a world where the pressure to conform to culture is real and mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually demanding.

You are to be holy to Me; for I the Lord am holy, and have set you apart from the peoples (nations) to be Mine. ~Leviticus 20:26, Amplified Bible
Individuals, families, work environments, communities, governments, and even churches have found themselves bowing to the enforcement of lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 1 John 2:16 warns us, the believers in Christ Jesus, that these things are not from Father God but the world.
The worship of money, power, popularity, success, superficial beauty, intellect, sexuality, and other appealing tangible things call us to forfeit our relationship and legacy with God for the temporary pleasures or the forbidden fruit. However, the Word of God (scriptures) tells us to "taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8. The latter part of that verse says, "Blessed is the person who trusts or takes refuge in Him."
Conformity to Christ.
We were never created to put our trust in world systems and beliefs. God is seeking a Church that will worship Him in spirit and truth. To worship God at this level of sincerity means allowing ourselves daily to go through His holy sanctification process. We are no longer to be slaves to sin but to divine righteousness. To love what God loves and to hate what God hates.
You who love the LORD, hate evil; He protects the souls of His godly ones (believers), He rescues them from the hand of the wicked. ~Psalm 97:10
God is doing a new thing on this Earth through His people. Can you perceive it?
Yes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever more, but He provides us with fresh manna. Yesterday's manna or spiritual food will not do. Reliving the glory days of the past is not sufficient for today. Being obsessed with the possibility of tomorrow will blind the blessings of the present. Whining or being angry, bitter, jealous, envious, and unforgiving towards God, self, or others because our lives seem not to progress the way we desire is not wise. It will prevent us from moving forward into what God has predestined for us.

Conformity produces transformation.
You and I are invited into the kingdom of God to be set apart for Him. Above all else, our soul should continually desire to transform into Christ's likeness. May we intentionally guard our hearts and minds against the world's perversion. We need God to abide in us, and we in Him, as well as our families, professions, and ministries that He has given us to steward. Let's dedicate and re-dedicate to the Lord those endearing things to us and watch the good harvest from it.
Moral reformation or transformation will not occur with hopeful thinking or just looking or behaving like a Christian. Faith and action must collaborate to trailblaze a life worth living or imitating: a life of holiness, daily renewal of the mind, and a heart set on fire for God. Each day may come with challenges, but we're being changed from glory to glory. That is exciting! The refining process is a difficult journey. However, God specializes in making crooked ways straight and rough paths smooth.
"This life was not intended to be the place of our perfection, but the preparation for it." – Richard Baxter
We do not have to compromise our faith for remarkable health, relationships, or wealth. From the inside out, we can radiate with spiritual health and wealth from our connection with Father God. This occurrence will command that our physical health, interconnections, and wealth align with His Divine blueprint: a life conformed to Christ, not culture.
In what ways have you conformed to culture?
Do not cultivate the erroneous. Acknowledge it, process and release it to the Lord. With great joy, He can keep you from stumbling in the world's systems if you allow Him to. Enjoy feasting from His goodness and mercy with a holy fear.
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